• Project Empathy

          • O projekte / About the project

          • DOPLNENÉ: Partnerská škola C.E.C.B.A.F. KHALIL GIRAN S.L. Španielsko oficiálnym listom Národnej Agentúre Španielsko oznámili odstúpenie od projektu Erasmus+ „Empatia – cesta k človeku“.

            UPDATE: The partner school C.E.C.B.A.F. KHALIL GIRAN S.L, Spain, has officially notified Spain of withdrawal from Erasmus + project  called “Empathy – a way to the human being”. The official letter has been sent to National Agency of Spain.


            Školy sú kľúčové organizácie v starostlivosti o pocity, ako je rešpekt, tolerancia a porozumenie medzi študentmi. Kľúčovým konceptom projektu je sociálna empatia, pretože jej základným aspektom je zodpovedný člen komunity.

            Ľudské bytosti majú tendenciu podceňovať silu empatie, úsmev, kompliment, načúvanie a vľúdne slovo. Ľudia majú tendenciu počúvať odpoveď, a nie pochopiť názor druhého človeka. Preto čím skôr začneme pracovať na tejto téme, tým lepšie.

            Projektoví partneri sú z týchto krajín: Slovensko (koordinátor), Severné Macedónsko (partner), Turecko (partner), Poľsko (partner) a Španielsko (partner). Projekt je určený pre študentov vo veku 12-15 rokov, celkový počet zapojených žiakov je 100 účastníkov. Budú prebiehať medzinárodné výmenné pobyty (80 študentov a 40 učiteľov). Prostredníctvom tohto projektu chceme oboznámiť študentov o sile empatie, o potrebe byť empatický v každodennom živote a aby im pomohla stať sa lepšími ľuďmi.

            Projekt si kladie za cieľ podporovať vynikajúce výsledky v oblasti vzdelávania, vybaví účastníkov znalosťami a kompetenciami pre zaistenie sociálne empatického prostredia školy. Hlavným cieľom je využívať sociálnu empatiu k preklenutiu odlišných ľudí a komunít.

            Všeobecným cieľom projektu je zvýšiť povedomie účastníkov o význame sociálneho cítenia v školách a v multikultúrnom svete.

            Ciele projektu sú:
            - podporiť sociálny a kultúrny dialóg medzi 250 študentmi z 5 európskych škôl v priebehu 24 mesiacov projektu
            - rozvíjať empatiu u účastníkov, porozumenie a spoločenskú zodpovednosť
            - znížiť agresívne správanie a emočné poruchy žiakov z 5 škôl EÚ
            - posilniť spoluprácu medzi školami a miestnymi komunitami

            Konkrétne výsledky získané v priebehu projektu  môžu byť použité pre výučbu, ktorá ponúka medzinárodný rozmer školských osnov. Produkty projektu budú aj naďalej k dispozícii na webových stránkach zúčastnených škôl v projekte.


            Schools are key agents in nurturing sentiments like respect, tolerance and understanding in the students. The key concept of the project is social empathy as it is a fundamental aspect of being a responsible and helpful member of a community.

            Human beings have the tendency to underestimate the power of empathy, of a smile, a compliment, a listening to ear and of a kind word. So many times people tend to listen to reply and not to understand the other's opinion. Therefore, the sooner we start working on this issue, the better. Building empathy and teaching students to see the world's through a peer's eyes is a trait that will help them all their life.

            The common needs illustrated by the SWOT analysis of the project partners from Slovakia, Macedonia, Turkey, Poland and Spain, are: students’ tendency to work alone, not in teams; students’ reduced tendency of being tolerant; the number of students’ that are bullied; teachers’ need to be updated by other EU educational systems; schools’ need to internationalise their curricula. According to the feedback reports, it was noticed that at the level of each school there is a tendency among students to disparity by creating gaps among them.

            The project aims to foster excellence in education by equipping participants with knowledge and competencies to ensure a socially empathic school setting. The main focus is to use social empathy to bridge diverse people and communities. The general project aim is to increase participants’ awareness about the importance of social empathy in schools and in a multicultural world.

            The project objectives are:
            - to encourage social and cultural dialogue between 250 students from 5 European schools during 24 months project
            - to develop participants’ interpersonal empathy, contextual understanding and social responsibility
            - to increase understanding of social and cultural differences
            - to reduce aggressive behaviors and emotional disorders of students from 5 EU schools
            - to strengthen cooperation between schools and local communities

            The project is designed for students aged 12-15, a total number of 100 participants will directly attend the international reunions (80 students and 40 teachers). Through this project we hope to make students aware of the power of empathy, the need of being empathic in the daily life and to help them become better people both at a personal and professional level. The activities are designed to make them see the school as a positive and productive place where they have friends who share same fears, needs and similar aspirations. Participants will notice the diversity of the European cultures and be encouraged to reject stereotypes. The activities will show that in order to accept something different is important to undestand it, respect and appreciate differences, actively listening to the others, widen the circle of concern, increase the management of personal emotions, and explore social situations in a fair way. The concrete results we want to achieve are project logo, questionnaires, presentations of schools, promotional materials (roll-ups, flyers, etc.), InterNational Heritage 3D cards exhibition, videos "A world without empathy", bookmarks , 1 script play (Theatreof the Oppressed), 5 travel guides, Feelings Collages, Anti-bullying Workshop, Wall of friendship, a common celebration Festival Tolerance Day, one summer school programme (celebrating International Friendship Day) and two project newsletters.

            As a result of our project the institutions and participants involved will strengthen their social, digital and communication competences and by means of this, the quality of the educational process will increase. The experience will increase the competences and abilities to work in multicultural working teams and contexts. On a broader and EU level, the project will impact cultural and general knowledge of participants. The international face to face meetings will create the space to Exchange examples of good practice and broaden knowledge of different approaches of the educational process.

            The concrete results produced during the project will stand as learning tools that can be used for teaching offering an international dimension to the school curricula. Project products will remain available on the project webpage and will be free of download. The project website will remain active minimum 5 years after ending the project.

            The project ensures in the long-term run the personal and professional development of the indirect participants to the project and direct participants to the mobilities. Participants' social empathy, cultural understanding and tolerance will increase and they will approach more positively other life situations. By interacting with people from other EU states, participants will increase motivation in promoting and preserving the EU cultural heritage.

            Zmluva: Zmluva_o_poskytnuti_grantu_na_Projekt_s_jednym_prijemcom_v_ramci_programu_Erasmus_plus_-_ZS_s_MS.PDF